Monday, June 18, 2012

Build A Kettle Corn Popper

Popcorn "pops" when its moisture-sealed hull explodes due to the expansion of its starchy filling.

Kettle corn has been a popular treat at fairs and carnivals for centuries. While kettle corn is made by following a simple recipe of corn, corn oil and sugar, it usually cannot be made. This is because many traditional ranges simply cannot supply enough heat and those ranges that can supply enough heat often lack the portability and capacity of dedicated kettle corn poppers. By supplying intense heat quickly, kettle corn poppers caramelize the sugar leaving the popcorn with a distinctively sweet, crunchy candy coating.


1. Place the cast iron kettle on top of the propane burner.

2. Connect the connection hose to the propane cylinder. Screw the smaller brass fitting into the orifice near the top of your propane cylinder.

3. Connect the other end of the hose to the propane burner. Fit the remaining brass fitting onto the brass fitting of the burner and screw the two together by firmly rotating the fitting to the right.

Tags: brass fitting, kettle corn, corn poppers, enough heat, hose propane, kettle corn poppers, propane burner