Thursday, October 27, 2011

Make Kid Friendly Glutenfree Treats

Whether due to celiac disease or a gluten allergy, the need to avoid treats that contain gluten or wheat can be frustrating for hungry kids. Give your kids a helping hand as they learn to manage their dietary restrictions. Offer them substitutes for wheat-based products that are both healthful and tasty.


1. Used sparingly, the occasional candy treat can be a great way to celebrate with your child. Goodies like M&Ms (not the Krispy kind); Dove Chocolate bars and ice cream; Hershey Kisses, bars and syrup; LifeSavers, Rolos, Skittles, Snickers, Starbursts and Three Musketeers are all gluten free. Next time you need to bring in treats for the class, make up little goody bags of your child's favorite candies.

2. Keep lunches as normal as possible by including well-portioned kid-friendly treats like pudding packs, fruits, dried fruits, string cheese, popcorn or potato chips.

3. Throw a fun gluten-free birthday bash by having a taco bar or sundae bar. Use an ice cream birthday cake instead of a gluten-free one.

4. Find gluten-free brands that make kid-friendly snacks. Bell and Evans has gluten-free breaded chicken nuggets, as does Ian's. Amy's and Annie's both make a rice pasta mac and cheese. Ian's also has gluten-free fish sticks. Kids enjoy eating these comfort foods.

5. Make your own granolas, trail mixes and cereals. It's easy to find recipes online or in "gluten-free" cookbooks.

6. Resort to ordering online or shopping for gluten-free snacks at your local health-food store if you're having difficulty keeping things on track. You can find gluten-free options for just about every food. Many mainstream supermarkets also carry these items, often in special sections.

Tags: your child