Friday, August 19, 2011

What Is In A Wellstocked Pantry

A well-stocked pantry includes items that can be used for a number of dissimilar recipes and are therefore versatile. Also, a well-stocked pantry includes items that store well for extended periods without going bad or stale.

Canned Vegetables and Fruits

Canned vegetables and fruits can last for years in a pantry and can either serve as a key ingredient in a dish or as a side item next to an entree. In particular, canned tomatoes are very useful because they can be used in a variety of soups, Italian dishes and even chili.


Many common meals are topped with condiments. For example, a hot dog almost always is covered in mustard or ketchup. Moreover, there are many recipes, especially for meats, that include condiments as a means to spice the dish. Dijon mustard, for example, is often used in chicken or fish dishes.


Identify the specific spices that you use often and make sure that they are always on hand. Spices can go stale in a matter of months. So, spices that you use rarely should not be bought in large quantities. For most people the pantry should include salt, pepper, olive oil and some dried herbs like basil or thyme.

Tags: includes items, includes items that, items that, pantry includes, pantry includes items, spices that, well-stocked pantry