Monday, August 15, 2011

The Best Way To Cook Popcorn

Popcorn is a healthy and quick snack. The best way to make real popcorn is on the stove. Simply buy popcorn kernels at a grocery store with bulk dried goods bins or a natural foods store. All it takes to make the best stove top popcorn is a pot with a solid bottom, a little vegetable oil or butter and salt.

Getting set up

It doesn't take many kernels to make a full pot of delicious popcorn. Start with 1/2 cup. First, find a pot with a snug-fitting lid and a solid bottom---pots with thin bottoms are more apt to burn the popcorn---and set it on the stove over medium heat. When the pot is hot, add enough oil to coat the bottom. Swirl the pan over the heat until the oil is hot, then add the kernels and cover.

pop popcorn

With the lid on, gently shake the popcorn over the burner to keep the kernels moving. Turn the heat up to high. As the kernels heat, you will begin to hear them pop. Keep shaking. Do not lift the lid during the process because hot kernels might fall out.

The popping will start slow, increase momentum and then peter out again. When it seems like most of the kernels have popped, turn off the heat and wait a minute so that any last kernels can pop.Then remove the lid. If at any point you smell burning, take the pan off the heat and check on the popcorn's condition when the popping subsides. If you have burned a few kernels but most are popped and fine, go ahead and eat those. Don't eat the burned popcorn.

Serving ideas and storage

Once your kernels are finished, simply dump them into a large bowl and salt to desired taste. You can also melt butter to drizzle on your popcorn, or top with cheese, spices, brewer's yeast or wheat germ. Popcorn is a relatively healthy and fun snack. While older kids and teens should be able to make stove top popcorn after a few lessons, don't trust small children with this job. Popcorn kernels keep indefinitely in a dry cupboard.

Tags: popcorn with, stove popcorn