Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ideas On Things To Pack In Kids' Lunches

Getting your child to eat a healthy lunch need not be a problem if you plan accordingly. Plan lunches around her favorite foods to ensure that she will actually eat them and not trade them with other students. Take into consideration the environment in which your child will be consuming her lunch and the time allowed. Most likely, she will not be able to reheat her lunch, so have a proper container on hand such as a thermos. If her lunch needs to stay cool, include an ice pack in her lunchbox.

Sandwiches and Wraps

Sandwiches and wraps are good choices for her main dish due to their portability. Choose bread or a tortilla-style wrap. Add condiments such as mustard, mayonnaise or oil and vinegar. Add lunch meat. Meat will give her an afternoon supply of protein. And lastly, add vegetables. This is a great place to sneak in extra vegetables if your child has an aversion to them. Some vegetables to consider are lettuce, tomato, sprouts, onion, pickles, shredded carrots and radishes. If your child is not eating meat, a simple nut butter and jelly sandwich or wrap is an alternative.

Side Dishes

Pack side dishes with your child's lunch to add nutrients to her meal. This is a situation where you may need to consider a thermos to retain heat or an ice pack to keep the item cold. You could give her macaroni and cheese with broccoli and cauliflower florets. A side salad made of lettuce with chopped vegetables and fruit is another possibility. Macaroni salad or potato salad are filling and will supply her with carbohydrates and protein. Soup is filling and comforting on a cold day.

Finger Foods

Consider adding foods that are both easy to hold and filling. Crackers with cheese are filling and will add fiber to her lunch. Dehydrated vegetable chips will add crunch to her lunch without adding extra fat and calories. If your child likes to dip, include celery and peanut butter. Baby carrots will add color to her lunch while also adding water and fiber. Sneak in an extra protein source with a handful of peanuts, almonds, cashews or walnuts.


This will most likely be your child's favorite part of her lunch. You can make it fun and nutritious at the same time. Yogurt with berries will give her both calcium and antioxidants. Trail mix will supply her with protein, fat and carbohydrates. Fresh fruit is both filling and sweet. Pack mini muffins, graham crackers or oatmeal-raisin cookies to dip in her milk. Granola bars are a possible alternative to candy bars.

Tags: your child, filling will, supply with, will give, will supply, will supply with