Thursday, December 29, 2011


The word "brunch" is a combination of breakfast and lunch, and that's exactly what a brunch is. Brunch usually takes place sometime between a traditional breakfast and lunchtime. Brunch also is often eaten on weekends or during holidays. The meals often involve traditional breakfast foods but can also include foods that are eaten during any other time of the day or night.


There are several reports on the origins of brunch as a concept. Many believe that the term was coined in the United Kingdom in 1896 by the publication Hunter's Weekly, which lead to the phrase becoming slang among youth. Others believe that New York Morning Sun reporter Frank Ward O'Malley created the term when describing the midday eating habits and practices of reporters.


What types of foods are typically consumed during brunch? Breakfast food items such as waffles, pancakes, croissants, pastries, fruit bowls, sausages, eggs, bacon, ham and omelets are very popular. Other popular items are meat roasts, chicken, turkey, potato salads, casseroles, lasagna, vegetable dishes, cold seafood, bread and dessert items (from carrot cake to apple pie). Brunches are often served buffet style.

Expert Insight

There are other kinds of brunches that are more specific in focus. These include Chinese dim sum brunches (full of dumplings, buns, deep-fried and baked foods), Italian brunches and Southern-style brunches. Italian and Southern brunches are typically composed of lighter fare, such as sandwiches and breakfast pizzas (which are omelets covered in tomatoes, pepperoni and cheese).

Time Frame

A lot of people have brunches on the weekend, particularly on lazy Sunday mornings. However, it is a very common option for holidays and special occasions. Many people have brunches on holidays such as Easter and Mother's Day. That being said, brunch can happen whenever you want it to -- there are no set rules for the time of the year.


There are many tasty and rather unusual brunch recipes. If you are planning on making brunch, some interesting recipes to try include Swedish rice porridge, cheddar rice latkes, three-cheese rice quiche, rice and vegetable frittatas, eggs magnifico, breakfast risotto, green chile pie and brown rice griddle cakes.

Tags: believe that, have brunches, people have, people have brunches, traditional breakfast