Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prepare Homemade French Fries

Homemade fries are a delicious addition to any hamburger or hot dog. Making homemade fries is a lot cheaper than buying frozen French fries, and many people think they taste better. Follow these steps if you want to make homemade French fries.


1. Choose several large potatoes that don't have any bruising or discoloration. It doesn't matter what kind of potato you use; they all cook the same, so it's just a matter of personal preference.

2. Wash the potatoes thoroughly under cool water. If you choose to, you can peel the potatoes before washing them.

3. Slice the potatoes into strips. Soak the potato strips in cool water immediately after slicing to prevent them from turning brown. Pat the potatoes dry before frying.

4. Decide what type of oil you want to cook your fries in. Different oils will give the French fries different flavors.

5. Heat oil in a deep fryer until it reaches 320 degrees. Add a small amount of potatoes to the fryer basket and blanch them.

6. Increase the temperature to 360 degrees. Cook the French fries to desired crispiness.

7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 with the remainder of the potato strips. When all of the fries are cooked, season them and serve.

Tags: French fries, cool water, potato strips, potatoes before